"I perform because I want to love my job and live every day doing what brings joy to the world. I want to make connections in unreplicable experiences and further the creation of beauty."
More About me
Artist Statement
My favorite part of going to the theatre is that you enter as an individual and leave as a group. I, as an actor, make connections with other actors and the audience through shared experiences and being present with each other. Live theatre has to be recreated every time it is performed so the people who are in the room with me during a show are the only ones to share that exact experience. This intense connection with and focus on others goes against the current priorities of society. Today we live in a society that places self-pleasure as the highest priority but the theatre challenges me to offer something of myself to others in order to share joy. As an actor, I strive to act with an outward focus that builds relationships and community with others. This focus on others deepens my experience of acting and makes the work worth doing. Creating a show is a communal process that teaches people to rely on and trust each other and gives them the skills to make the world a better place onstage and off. I act to offer my performance as a gift to others which in turn allows them to pour back into me. Beauty is created both through the artistic work that is done and through the relationships formed. Acting allows me to further the creation of beauty and share it with the rest of the world.
A Longer Bio
Victoria Koro is an actress, singer, and dancer from Traverse City, Michigan who studied at Taylor University, in Indiana, to earn her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre. Some of her most recent performances have been at Colonial Williamsburg, Cedar Point, and Bluegate Musicals.
Her passion for performing began when she was young and her skills were later developed through summer workshops which lead her to pursue acting professionally. Much of her love for acting also came from a background of ballet. Her love for music came from an orchestral background, originally being a cellist, which gave her a strong understanding of music theory that she could apply to her voice later when she was trained as a mezzo-soprano.
She is also experienced in costuming. She has worked on several shows as a stitcher and as costume mistress. Victoria’s specialty is in period ball gowns and corsets due to her love of history. Because of her historical knowledge, she is able to both construct gowns in a way that is close to historically accurate, or make modern costumes that look historically accurate while still including modern innovation and ease of access.
In 2021 she also co-founded the production company Yes Yay Roleplay, which focuses on using improv through tabletop roleplaying games to tell unique stories. Episodes can be found on YouTube.
When she’s not on the stage she loves reading, writing, and learning about history. She is also a Christian and has discovered that God’s truth can be found through any performance, whether is be secular or sacred in origin.